If you are a website owner listed on MontanaGuns.Org or not and want to embed this clickable list on your own website, simply copy and paste the code below onto your website and ask your visitors to click on your link to vote daily.

An example of what the above code looks like in a WordPress widget. This iframe will work pretty much anywhere. You are welcome to modify the code for style but it may not work as expected.
<iframe src="https://montanaguns.org/?page_id=19/?order=ASC&orderby=menu_order&mode=one&list_id=25&column=1&tooltip=false&style=style-8&search=false&category=&upvote=on" scrolling="auto" height="900px" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe><span style="float:right; margin:10px;">List Created by <a href="https://montanaguns.org" target="_blank">MontanaGuns.Org</a></span>
Here it is in action with a simple copy and paste from above.
List Created by MontanaGuns.Org