Are you a firearms friendly Montana business or website owner? Consider yourself challenged!

Established 2008 ~ is a localized links directory ranked daily by clicks out for only firearms friendly Montana websites. Are you one that’s not listed with almost 60 as of this post? Consider yourself challenged to get in here and add if needed and click daily for yours or their favorite websites to drive their rank. This site is designed to give Montana firearms friendly website owners and followers the ability to share local traffic with ONLY other Montana websites. While having fun competing for that top spot with only Montanans. Instead of getting rank by magical worldwide algorithms at networks like Google, Facebook and other Yahoos. We get it by manual labor where we know we won’t be tracked. Whoever gets more clicks, sticks to the top where then they get 80% of the traffic clicks at the top. If here just to vote, click the star behind links. When it turns green and counts up one, your vote has been tallied for today. Return in 24 hours to do it again. We get fellow traffic without having to contend with or even compete with national social networks and advertisers. Add detailed keywords and subscriptions in your add link requests so we can make sure they find you in a search. We could literally create our own localized search engine. If you have a specific location you’d like to add, put location name only link title and keywords you want searchable in descriptions. The live search function searches titles and descriptions. NOTE: All counts reset when new links are added.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites

How do I make my blog and product link previews on social networks like,, as well as global social networks like Facebook and MeWe look good?

Roughly 70% of people are Visual. 20% of people are Auditory. The remaining are Kinesthetic. Link previews on social media entices nearly 90% of local traffic because of the way it looks. It might be a good idea if you’re selling products and services online, to make your previews look good if you want clicks resulting in a closer look or purchase of your product

Nice link previews are a necessity if you want people to click through your links on any social network. Unless I was referred by someone I trust, browsers like me won’t even click on your social network link preview unless it looks good.

To us, you either don’t understand the importance or just don’t care. As an affiliate of your program, there are merchants and sponsors who do. And they will obviously get more of my attention and better sales because they give us the tools we need to help promote your products.

Would you even consider clicking on a link on social media that looks as unprofessional as this?

How do I fix it?

Learn and apply OG! Read about the Open Graph Protocol at or view embedded page below.

How can I help fund this and other made in Montana firearm websites?

Help Fund MontanaGuns.Org on Patreon – Shop at either Montana Gun Trader’s Sponsor Shop or Top Ammunition Sites!

This sites founder has developed and manages many of the websites listed here. All of said sites are free. That doesn’t mean they are free to maintain. This and other sites on this server cost an average of $2500 per year for domains, hosting, scripts and support. None of that includes advertising costs or promotions. I can alway use your help!

Unfortunately the means of accepting donations online have become very challenging for firearms friendly sites. Although we could accept donations, it is the principal of the issue.

PayPal and most others have severely penalized merchants claiming firearms industry merchants are violating their policies. To the tune of tens of thousands of dollars in limbo in some cases. Most have now prohibited for use with firearms, ammo and parts. Until one comes out publicly in written policy, time is no longer wasted looking for gun friendly online payment gateways like PayPal.

We will no longer do business with PayPal out of principal. AND it HURTS! For now…

Another option you have now is to Shop Locally Online Through Affiliated Sponsors at Montana Gun Trader’s Merchant Sponsor Shop or Top Ammunition Sites to help fund these sites!

This is much better for all of us anyways. You get what you need to stock up for eventualities and pay the same price. We get a small commission for referring you through our links!

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites

How can I embed The Montana Gun Sites List on my website?

If you are a website owner listed on MontanaGuns.Org or not and want to embed this clickable list on your own website, simply copy and paste the code below onto your website and ask your visitors to click on your link to vote daily.

An example of what the above code looks like in a WordPress widget. This iframe will work pretty much anywhere. You are welcome to modify the code for style but it may not work as expected.
<iframe src=""  scrolling="auto" height="900px" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe><span style="float:right; margin:10px;">List Created by <a href="" target="_blank">MontanaGuns.Org</a></span>

Here it is in action with a simple copy and paste from above.

List Created by MontanaGuns.Org

How do I get my site listed at the top with the other featured links with the blue flash?

To give all sites an equal shot at having the top spot, featured sites have been discontinued….. What is was below.

Montana Gun Sites listed with the lightning bolt behind their clicks have earned being listed in the TOP of The Top Sites List.

They might be more sites I’ve created or their owners have contributed directly to this and other affiliated Montana gun sites. Whether by donation, promotion, referrals or time contributed to this and other affiliated firearms friendly websites, they have all earned a spot on the top, top sites list.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites (67)

How do I list my Montana firearms friendly site?

Anyone can add Montana gun website links. Simply search to make sure they aren’t, the click Add Link from the main menu and fill out the form.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites

How do I claim a listing?

How do I push my favorite website to the TOP so it gets more clicks?

Rank at this made in Montana for Montanans local firearms friendly directory is based on your clicks through. Links with the highest amount of clicks stick to the top. Clean traffic is what local websites want because we can better localize without paying Google to get here. This site generates a considerable amount of raw traffic, generated by us! This helps all of our sites higher in other nationals search engines.

Sites at the top get more traffic because people can first see it faster and then click it to see why so many people are clicking on it.

It can be tough to get to the top. But once you’re there, you’ll enjoy considerably more traffic while you’re there.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites (67)

How does website ranking work?

TOP SITES at MontanaGuns.Org have received more clicks by IP address every 24 hours than all sites listed below them. This RANK resets to ZERO every 30 days. Visit to VOTE DAILY by clicking your favorite firearms friendly links.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites

How do I Claim a Listing that someone else listed? I want to edit or remove it!

Anyone can add Montana firearms website links at this local site. You can also take charge of a current listing by using your business url email address when making contact. Click Claim Listing Here or from the menu. Then fill in and submit the form.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites