Are you a firearms friendly Montana business or website owner? Consider yourself challenged!

Established 2008 ~ is a localized links directory ranked daily by clicks out for only firearms friendly Montana websites. Are you one that’s not listed with almost 60 as of this post? Consider yourself challenged to get in here and add if needed and click daily for yours or their favorite websites to drive their rank. This site is designed to give Montana firearms friendly website owners and followers the ability to share local traffic with ONLY other Montana websites. While having fun competing for that top spot with only Montanans. Instead of getting rank by magical worldwide algorithms at networks like Google, Facebook and other Yahoos. We get it by manual labor where we know we won’t be tracked. Whoever gets more clicks, sticks to the top where then they get 80% of the traffic clicks at the top. If here just to vote, click the star behind links. When it turns green and counts up one, your vote has been tallied for today. Return in 24 hours to do it again. We get fellow traffic without having to contend with or even compete with national social networks and advertisers. Add detailed keywords and subscriptions in your add link requests so we can make sure they find you in a search. We could literally create our own localized search engine. If you have a specific location you’d like to add, put location name only link title and keywords you want searchable in descriptions. The live search function searches titles and descriptions. NOTE: All counts reset when new links are added.

Montana Guns & Ammo Websites

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